The Region’s Leading CEOs
Working to align Business, Education
Philanthropy & Public Policy
Greater Phoenix Leadership is an organization of leading CEOs aligning leadership and resources at the intersection of the business, education, philanthropy and public policy sectors to improve economic vitality and quality of life.
Our Work
Leadership in Action
striving to better the community
Led the effort to fund
freeway expansion and
regional transportation.
Phoenix 40 became
Arizona hosted its first Super Bowl, with efforts of those in GPL who had helped attract the NFL Arizona Cardinals to the
region in the late ‘80s
GPL was a leader and major funder of Proposition 301, approved by voters to finance and improve K-12, higher
education and research in AZ.
Helped found the Arizona Business and Education Coalition (ABEC)
GPL helped champion the extension of the Maricopa County half-cent sales tax to fund freeway and regional transportation needs for the next 20 years.
GPL worked with other organizations to help create and pass the Angel Investment Tax Credit to expand investment in the technology business market in Arizona.
Coordinated business community efforts to defeat the anti-immigration (SB 1070) bill in the Arizona Legislature
Coordinated business community efforts to defeat the anti-LGBT (SB 1062) bill in the Arizona Legislature.
Worked with Governor Doug Ducey and other business leaders to fund and pass Proposition 123, adding $3.5 billion in funding for education over a ten-year period.
Secured legislative support for expansion of
bonding capacity for Arizona’s public universities.
Supported Governor Doug Ducey’s plan to increase educator salaries by 20% by 2020.
Co-Chairs: Mi-Ai Parrish (MAP Strategies) and Noreen Bishop (Chase Bank)
The Greater Phoenix Leadership Social Impact Committee and its member seek to identify, engage, develop and act on solutions that enhance the social fabric of the communities within our region and around the state of Arizona. In collaboration with local, regional and national partners, this committee will leverage its influence to embed equity where talent and leadership can thrive across several critical social determinants.
Co-Chairs: John Graham (Sunbelt Holdings) and Steven Gonzales (Maricopa Community Colleges)
The mission of the Education Standing Committee is to promote broad-based, non-partisan public policy and connect businesses and schools to strengthen the Arizona educational system.
Co-Chairs: Paul Komadina (CBRE) and Sissie Roberts Shank (ChasRoberts)
The Greater Phoenix Leadership Community Infrastructure Committee is focused on maintaining and improving the region’s infrastructure needs to ensure that they are equipped to meet the expectations of a 21st century economy. Working strategically with community partners, we seek to inform and influence key policy decisions impacting our regional and statewide competitiveness.
Co-Chairs: Sharon Harper (Plaza Companies) and Adam Goodman (Goodman’s Interior Structures)
The Public Policy Committee discusses policies and initiatives related to the State’s economy and quality of life. Members of the committee review proposed legislation that positively impacts business, improves education, or might have a negative effect on Arizona’s image and business climate. The committee sets a comprehensive legislative engagement program so that GPL members can meet with legislators to discuss the impact of bills on their business and our community. GPL also identifies and trains candidates for the Arizona Legislature and encourages member support for their candidacies.