our WORK

The membership of Greater Phoenix Leadership (GPL) is comprised of 150 leaders from across the region who lead Arizona’s largest and most infl uential business enterprises. Functioning as a business leader roundtable, GPL members work to improve the overall quality of life in the region and state by addressing Arizona’s most pressing challenges.

GPL is focused on enhancing and strengthening equity across a broad portfolio of issues in Arizona, working collaboratively on initiatives critical to economic prosperity. Centered on sound public policy in alignment with socially responsible community partnerships, we engage and collaborate with leaders of all sectors willing to come together to solve problems and improve Arizona long into the future.

Founded as the Phoenix 40 in 1974, GPL today convenes the Valley’s leading CEOs in committees and task forces to help improve the overall quality of life for our community with specific focus on the intersection of business, public policy, philanthropy, and education as they relate to our portfolio of work. Standing Committees on Community Infrastructure, Social Impact and Arizona’s Education system include a variety of task forces with subject matter experts from the community. Together, we convene to advance policies, programs and people to help grow economic vitality and better Arizona.

Standing Committees & Task ForcesPublic Policy standing committee
Local & County Relations

Higher Education & Workforce Preparedness

Attainable Housing

Arts & Culture

Criminal Justice Reform

Health Sector

Our Work

Leadership in Action

GPL is focused on strengthening the future of equity in Arizona,
working collaboratively to support and encourage initiatives critical
to our growth, centered around sound public policy, and aligned
to socially responsible community partnerships. We also engage
with and cultivate candidates for public office to help ensure
representative governance for all.


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Valley Leadership

Recognizing the need to identify and develop the next generation of leaders, Phoenix 40 members helped to establish Valley Leadership, a year-long civic engagement program for professionals interested in getting deeply involved with improving the region.

Freeway Expansion

Led the effort to fund freeway expansion and regional transportation.

Greater Phoenix Leadership


Helped pass the voter-approved passage of a Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday for Arizona.

Super Bowl

Arizona hosted its first Super Bowl, with efforts of those in GPL who had helped attract the NFL Arizona Cardinals to the
region in the late ‘80s.

Leaders in improving education

GPL was a leader and major funder of Proposition 301, approved by voters to finance and improve K-12, higher
education and research in AZ.

Developed the plan for an integrated P-20 education model and created the Governor’s P-20 Council.

Assisted in implementing a statewide full-day kindergarten via legislation and support from then Governor Janet Napolitano.

Helped develop the State Robotics Championships for High Schools.

Led the business efforts to pass new laws to require mastering 3rd grade reading before moving on to 4th grade.


Helped found the Arizona Business and Education Coalition (ABEC).

Half-cent sales tax

GPL helped champion the extension of the Maricopa County half-cent sales tax to fund freeway and regional transportation needs for the next 20 years.

Military Facility’s Task Force

In cooperation with Senator John McCain and Governor Janet Napolitano, GPL led the Military Facility’s Task Force to ensure that military bases remained in the state.

GPL led an effort with Southern Arizona Leadership Council and
Northern Arizona Leadership Alliance to establish Science Foundation Arizona – the largest public-private partnership in the U.S. tasked with broadening and strengthening Arizona’s economy by investing in high-impact research projects that leveraged Arizona’s existing assets and advantages.Scores of new companies and thousands of new high-paying jobs were created through industry-university collaborations.

GPL worked with other organizations to help create and pass the Angel Investment Tax Credit to expand investment in the technology business market in Arizona.

Efforts to defeat anti- immigration Bill

Coordinated business community efforts to defeat the anti-immigration (SB 1070) bill in the Arizona Legislature.

Helped found the Corporate Philanthropy Awards

Along with the Phoenix Business Journal and Arizona Community Foundation, helped found the Corporate Philanthropy Awards for the region.

Worked with Governor Doug Ducey and other business leaders to fund and pass Proposition 123, adding $3.5 billion in funding for education over a ten-year period.

Helped pass continuation of the federal KidsCare program in the Arizona Legislature.

Worked with partners to restore funding to Career Technical Education (CTE) and Joint Technical Education Districts (JTED) in AZ.

Secured legislative support

Secured legislative support for expansion of
bonding capacity for Arizona’s public universities.

Formed the GPL Committee for Arizona Leadership to help elect AZ legislators.

Worked to secure extension of the Angel Investment Tax Credit.

Support Educators Increase Salaries

Supported Governor Doug Ducey’s plan to increase educator salaries by 20% by 2020.

Garnered legislative support for extension of the Proposition 301 education funding source via legislative vote and Governor signature.

Education Game Plan

Deployment of the Education Game Plan